The Scout webmaster is an official position of responsibility, held by a scout. The webmaster’s responsibilities are:
- Work with various unit members on needed topics.
- Ensure the Web site is as youth-run as possible.
- Help out Web site where needed.
The Scout webmaster fulfills his responsibilities by:
- Following the troop’s policies and guidelines for the website.
- Responding to requests to add/delete email addresses from the troop website.
- Updating information on the website, either by request or by his own initiative.
- Pruning old pages and information, either by request or by his own initiative.
- Adding pages, tabs and links, either by request or by his own initiative.
The Scout Webmaster will need to learn to use the tools of the website provider to fulfill his responsibilities.
Significant changes will be discussed with an adult leader.
Contact the Site Webmaster and CC another adult on all correspondence.
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