New Parent Info

Answers to frequently asked questions for new Scout Parents. See “Welcome to Troop 100” pdf file at bottom of page for full handbook. See “FAQ” pdf file at bottom of page for even more information

How do things work?

When your son has a question or a problem at a meeting or campout:
He should first talk to his Patrol Leader (PL) ( or in the beginning his patrol’s Troop Guide). If the issue can’t be resolved at that level he should check with an Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL) or the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL). Only after he has gone through those steps should he ask an adult leader. If your son asks you for help or an answer at a troop meeting or campout, please direct him to talk to the youth leadership. Urgent safety issues should always be brought to the attention of adult leaders immediately. If you son ever has an issue with bullying or other bad behavior on the part of a fellow Scout, and he is afraid to bring it up to the youth leadership, please let one of the Scoutmasters know as soon as possible. Nothing can be corrected if we don’t know about that it is occurring…..

Rank Advancement

Up through the 1st class, advancement will occur as the result of the regular troop activities including meetings, campouts, and summer camp. If your son has to miss a meeting or campout he should talk to his PL or other youth leaders to find out what he has to do to catch up. The adult leaders watch to make sure that no one is falling behind, but we are not all knowing. Your Scout should have his Troop Guide, SPL or an adult leader mark and date the requirements in his Scout Handbook as he completes them so you know what the status is. You can contact our advancement chair to confirm you Scout’s status at any time. Please be aware that rank requirements up through 1st class can be completed at any time, and they don’t need to be done in order. The Star, Life and Eagle ranks are more individual pursuits and there are time requirements involved. The requirements for all ranks are in “The Boy Scout Handbook”.

Merit Badges

The Merit Badge process is as follows: Before work is started an a merit badge the Scout should ask the Scoutmaster (SM) for a “Blue Card”, signed by the SM, before the Scout begins work on the badge. The merit badge counselor should then get the card. After the badge is complete, the counselor and SM will sign off on it, each will keep a copy and one copy will be given to the advancement chair to be turned in to the council when the badge itself is purchased. Be sure to safeguard your copies of completed badges and ranks.

Parent Roles

Each parent, family or guardian is expected to participate fully in Troop 100 by accepting a Troop position or helping with Scouting activities.


All parents/guardians should join google group troop100naperville to receive Troop 100 emails. All parents/guardians are encouraged to attend the monthly Committee meetings.

Joining Troop 100

There is a bit of paperwork as well as the annual fees.  For each new scout, we need:

  • A BSA Youth application.  If your son is currently on the roster at another troop or pack, please be sure to include his BSA ID.  
  • Code of Conduct form (2 copies), signed by both the scout and a parent/guardian
  • Annual Permission form (2 copies)
  • BSA medical form part A & B (3 copies) –  Part C will not be needed until summer camp.
  • Health insurance card (3 copies) – a photocopy front and back
  • Vehicle Insurance Form
  • Adult Personal Data Collection Form

Annual fees are currently $152 for new scouts, which includes the application fees sent to Three Fires Council, $36.  This amount will be prorated for mid year starts.  If your scout was included on the charter renewal roster of another unit, then his fees due to TFC have already been paid for the year and he can be processed as a transfer.  In order to be processed as a transfer, please include your son’s BSA ID on his application.

  • For example, if your son is joining troop 100 in March, there are on 10 of 12 months left in charter year, so the annual fees will be $50.  
  • If your son is a transfer and a BSA ID is included on the application, the current fee due is $20.