It’s time for us to renew our charter with the BSA, a time when we also collect annual fees. Below is a detailed announcement. The bottom of the page contains links to downloadable forms.
Dear Members of Troop 100, Troop 6100 & Crew 100
Annually, all Scouts BSA Units must renew their charter and pay annual fees to their local council. To complete this task, we need to collect annual fees for each youth who will continue scouting into 2020by no later than 11/11/19. The BSA national organization has kept the base fee at $33, but insurance fees have increased to $5, for a total of $38. Additional fees are for Three Fires Council and Boys Life magazine.
Because the fees are nearly 100% passed on to the Three Fires Council, we must collect fees for each youth on the charter roster. If we do not receive fees for an individual, they will not be on the charter roster, and would need to fill out a new youth application to rejoin scouting.
Because rechartering is occurring during the holiday season, there is no grace period given by the Three Fires Council, so the troop and crew cannot extend a grace period either.
What do you need to do?
- Please let us know if your son or daughter will continue with us next year by filling out this brief form —>
- Please bring your annual fees check, made out to Troop 100, to any Monday meeting. The deadline is Monday, November 11.
Fees schedule as follows – Check made out to Troop 100
$70 – Returning Scout or Crew, includes Boys Life
$58 – Returning Scout or Crew who has a sibling in our Unit who is paying $70 – their household will only receive one monthly issue of Boys Life.
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact me,
— Yours in Scouting, Neal Alexander