Our Handbook

Welcome to the Troop

Scouts BSA Troop 100 welcomes all youth who have spent time dreaming of hiking and camping in the wilderness, wanting to learn the skills needed to be a good citizen and leader, or wishing to be able to take care of themselves or others in an emergency. We will do whatever it takes to guarantee their success and personal growth into fine young adults who will be an asset to the community, the nation, and the world!

Troop 100B (boys) was chartered in 1959 and Troop 100G (girls) was chartered in 2019 by Wesley United Methodist Men. The charter was moved to Chartered Org of Northern Naperville Corporation in 2022. We have enjoyed over 60 years of building young leaders. This book should fill in the details which may be overlooked.

“When you want a thing done, ‘Don’t do it yourself’
is a good motto for Scoutmasters.”


The major goal of Troop 100 is to train youth for leadership and citizenship. This goal will be achieved by assisting the Scout to develop character, health & strength, handcraft skill, and service to others. We expect to meet our goal by providing a program that is fun, filled with adventure, and which provides a sense of comradeship with other scouts.


Troop 100’s annual registration fee is $255.00 for scouts. This covers BSA National Dues, Council Dues, Boys Life subscription, Council Accident Insurance and the basic expenses of chartering and uniform items for first year scouts.

Code of Conduct

The Scout Oath and the Scout Law specifically outline the characteristics of personal and social conduct, which stands alone without further definition. They are required by the BSA way-of-life and therefore, are expected to be followed at all Troop, District, and Council activities. The Troop leadership counsels any Scout who consistently falls short of these expectations. Their parents are informed of the infractions, and behavior modifications should ensue. The Troop 100 Code of Conduct is signed by all parties when joining the Troop and renewed with the adult leaders, if the need arises. Parental cooperation is expected.

If a Scout refuses to correct himself/herself, or continues to undermine the BSA program, he/she will no longer be welcome to participate in Troop 100 activities. These expectations apply to the treatment of both people and property. Each Scout is required to show respect for himself/herself, for fellow Scouts, for Troop parents, and Troop leaders. Scouts must safeguard the Troop’s equipment and the sponsoring organization’s (Wesley United Methodist Church) property and when possible, improve it.

In the annual chartering packet, you will find a copy of the Troop 100 Code of Conduct Agreement. Please review it with your scout and return it, signed by scout and parent to the Troop on the day of re-chartering. This copy will be kept on file with the Troop at all times with the health physicals and permission slips.

By Laws

Troop 100 will:

  • Promote the ideals of Scouts BSA.
  • Hold at least one Troop Meeting or Outing each month
  • Hold four Courts of Honor each year.
  • Generate an annual Troop Calendar
  • Allow each active family present at a Committee Meeting ONE vote
  • Require the following Troop positions be registered (chartered): Committee Chair., Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Scoutmaster(s), Activities Chair., Advancement Chair., and Friends of Scouting Chair.
  • Expect each parent, family or guardian to participate fully in Troop 100 by accepting a Troop position or helping with Scouting activities.
  • Establish an Individual Rewards Account (IRA) for each Scout, which may only be used for Scouting purposes.
  • Add a percentage of the net profit of each Troop Fundraiser to each participating Scout’s IRA after the Troop’s annual Budget is met.
  • Require that the Annual Troop Budget be submitted to the Troop’s Committee.
  • Require that Annual Troop Budget include new equipment, repairs, registration, Court of Honor costs, partial outing fees, or meeting fees.
  • Distribute troop and event information with calendar items to families in a timely manner.
  • Make the minutes of the Monthly Troop Committee Meetings available at the following month’s meeting.
  • Keep a copy of all the Troop Committee Meeting’s minutes.
  • Require those chairing or responsible for an activity be present at a Troop Committee Meeting whenever that activity is being discussed.
  • Require a quorum, at regularly scheduled Troop Committee Meetings to be at least 5 votes.
  • Provide at least one Service Project per year.
  • Require the Troop Committee to maintain the Guidebook
  • Require the Troop Committee to approve changes in the by-laws
  • Membership in Troop 100 constitutes acceptance of these by-laws by the Scout and their family.


Each year, in March the scouts decide on the activities for the following year starting in January. The parents coordinate the annual activity plan. Once prepared, this is given to all members. The Troop will present news concerning the Troop, Council, or District in a timely manner. Please make sure to keep an eye on the Troop calendar and keep up with Troop emails so that you can stay current with the Troop’s events.


Effective two-way communication is essential to the continued success of an active Troop. Facts regarding the Troop may be disseminated in several ways, however your scout is probably the best source of information. Discuss with them about upcoming Troop activities. You are encouraged to speak with adult leadership of the Troop by attending the monthly Committee Meeting, dropping by on Monday Troop Meetings, or by simply emailing or calling a committee member or the Scoutmaster. At certain times it will be necessary for your scout to hand carry information to you. We encourage you to keep all your Scouting information in a special folder. It helps to keep you organized by allowing you to find information quickly if the need arises.

NOTE: All scouts are reminded that they must have at least two adults in any communication to adults or leaders.


Quick communication is done through Slack. Our workspace is bsatroop100naperville.slack.com and you must have an invite to join it.

We tried using GroupMe for a couple of years but determined this was ineffective in reaching the members. Often they would be removed from groups me or wouldn’t get notifications.

Mailing List

All parents/guardians should join Google Group troop100naperville to receive Troop 100 emails.


Troop 100 also has a Web Site to visit. The address is www.troop100.net

The member site is at the same location and can be accessed by logging in at www.troop100.net/login



Regular meetings occur on Mondays at 7:00 pm through 8:30 pm beginning the first Monday after school starts in the fall through the last Monday prior to summer camp. Regular meetings do not occur on national or district 203 school holidays that fall on a Monday such as Memorial Day and Labor Day unless a meeting is necessary for trip planning. There are no meetings or activities between the end of Summer Camp and the first meeting of the new year.


All regular meetings are held in Fellowship Hall (lower level) at Wesley United Methodist Church 21 E. Franklin Street Naperville.


Scouts should be prepared for the meeting. The scout should be in uniform and bring to every meeting their Scout Handbook, writing instrument, and notepaper.

Scout BSA Handbook

The key to scouting can be found in this book. It may be purchased wherever scout merchandise is found. Each scout should bring their book to every meeting so that a record is made of the achievements and requirements they have done.


Scouts are expected to be in their Class A for every meeting (during the school year), Court of Honor, council event, during travel to and from outings, public service projects, board of review, and special troop meetings (i.e. open house.) They should be worn respectfully: buttoned and tucked in. Neckerchiefs worn by tying a knot is strongly discouraged. Consult the Scouts BSA Handbook for additional information.

Scouts are permitted to wear the Class B shirt beginning after Memorial Day weekend and commencing Labor Day weekend.

Class A

The Class A uniform consists of:

  • Boy Scout shirt (short or long sleeve) American Flag patch already applied
  • Three Fires Council shoulder patch
  • Olive drab shoulder loops
  • Troop 100 neckerchief †
  • Boy Scout neckerchief slide †
  • Troop 100 numerals †
  • 60 year bar †

† Initially supplied by the troop.

Applying the insignia is an important part of being a Scout. Refer to the front and back inside cover of the BSA Handbook for proper insignia placement.

Full Class A

The Full Class A uniform consists of the Class A uniform, scout pants, and sash. During formal meetings, such as the Court of Honor, the OA sash may be worn.

Class B

Troop 100 purchases, every few years, Class B shirts for the scouts to wear for less formal occasions. These may be worn during appropriate meetings, school, and camp or at any time a Class A is not required. Our current Class B shirt is a red t-shirt with Troop 100 silkscreened on it. Your first class B shirt is given to you when you join. Replacement or additional shirts or pullovers may be purchased for scouts wishing to have more than one shirt.

Troop Organization

Scouts are expected to live by the Scout Oath and the Scout Law, and follow the Outdoor Code. The Scout should try to participate fully in all Troop and Patrol activities. As a member of Troop 100, the Scout is an integral part of a team. Regular attendance at Scouting events is an important part of a scout’s commitment to himself/herself, to other members of the Troop and to the Scouting movement.

Ideally the Scouts, under the guidance and supervision of the Scoutmasters, run the troop. This is known as “scout led” which means the scouts determine what the troop does such as outings, events, ceremonies, etc. The troop is composed of several patrols, typically one for each educational grade level.


A patrol is a group of Scouts who are similar in age, development, and interests. The patrol method allows Scouts to interact in a small group outside the larger troop context, working together as a team and sharing the responsibility of making their patrol a success. A patrol takes pride in its identity, and the members strive to make their patrol the best it can be. Patrols will sometimes join with other patrols to learn skills and complete advancement requirements. At other times they will compete against those same patrols in scout skills and athletic competitions.

New Scout Patrol

Webelos scouts joining the Troop will be grouped into a New Scout Patrol in which the older scouts and an Assistant Scoutmaster will help guide these new scouts through their first year. These patrols are ideally 6-8 scouts of similar age. Scouts who attend regularly both meetings and campouts should complete the rank of Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, and First Class within a year of joining the troop.

Patrol Leaders Council (PLC)

The Patrol Leaders Council is composed of: Senior Patrol Leader (SPL), Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL), Patrol Leaders (PL), Scribe, Quartermaster, and two or more Scoutmasters. The PLC meets monthly to discuss, plan, and review prior and upcoming activities within the Troop. This meeting is referred to as the PLC or Green Bar. Resolutions from these meetings are proposed and ratified by the adult leaders.



The adult leaders will provide direction and opportunity for all the Scouts in the Troop. One characteristic of a good leader is the ability to delegate authority. The Scouts are trained, with the help of the adult leaders, to run their own Troop. The Scouts are encouraged to learn by example and through practice. The resulting young adult should be fully prepared to face whatever challenges life has to offer.

Troop Committee

The troop committee is composed of adults who volunteer to direct and assist with the activities planned by the Patrol Leaders Council.

The Troop Committee is charged with:

  1. Ensuring the National, Council and Troop policies are followed
  2. Procuring leaders and encouraging Leader Training
  3. Budgeting, funding and disbursing Troop funds
  4. Assisting the adult and youth leaders in providing a quality program to the Troop.

Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters

Adult leaders are guides in the scouting journey and encourage the scouts along the way. They are responsible for determining the dates of events and transporting the scouts to and from the events which are determined by the Patrol Leaders Council.

The Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster (s) are charged with:

  1. Training and guiding Scout Leaders to run the Troop
  2. Working in conjunction with the Troop Committee and other adults to provide the youth with Scouting activities
  3. Guiding Scouts in planning the Troop program
  4. Attending monthly committee meetings and sharing Troop information with parents
  5. Attending monthly PLC (Green Bar) meetings and sharing committee information with the Scouts

Senior Patrol Leader

The members of each Patrol elect a Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) who is responsible for leading all of the Patrols when the Troop is acting as a unit, and making sure that each Patrol Leader has the necessary information to share with their Patrol.

The SPL is elected every six months. The SPL appoints the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL) with the approval of the Scoutmaster. Currently to be a SPL the scout must be at least 1st Class and have demonstrated living the Scout Oath and Law.

Patrol Leader

The members of each patrol elect one member of their patrol to serve as Patrol Leader and another member from their patrol to serve as Assistant Patrol Leader. These two leaders are responsible in making sure that their group is on task, and “in the know” as to what is happening within the troop. At times, during the activities of the Troop, the patrol is acting as an individual unit. Troop 100 elects patrol leaders twice a year. Patrol Leaders report directly to the Senior Patrol Leader.


Parents should do their share to make sure that Scouting benefits their scout(s). By becoming involved with the Troop, you will be able to learn what the Troop expects of your youth and in turn, what your youth should expect from the Troop. Encourage your youth’s advancement, but don’t assume that they can do it all on their own…especially at first. Self-initiative is something all youth must learn. Show your support for Scouts BSA by participating in the Troop program, volunteering for a committee position, getting to know the leaders, or becoming a leader yourself.

Volunteer Positions

The troop could not function well without the support of our volunteers. It is expected that an adult from each family participate in at least one event, outing or troop position each year. Many of these positions require as little as 2 hours of time.

Problem Resolution

Scouts should first talk to his/her Patrol Leader (PL) (or in the beginning their patrol’s Troop Guide). If the issue can’t be resolved at that level the scout should discuss the issue with an Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL) or the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL). Only after the scout has gone through those steps should they ask an adult leader. If your scout asks you for help or an answer at a troop meeting or campout, please direct him/her to talk to the youth leadership.

Urgent safety issues should always be brought to the attention of adult leaders immediately. If your Scout ever has an issue with bullying or other bad behavior on the part of a fellow Scout, and he is afraid to bring it up to the youth leadership, please let one of the Scoutmasters know immediately. Nothing can be corrected if we don’t know that it is occurring.


Each March the SPL leads the planning for the following year’s Scouting activities. These activities are determined by the Troop and presented to the PLC. The PLC votes on and approves the events chosen giving a few alternatives in the event of a schedule conflict. The Scoutmaster presents the plans to the parents at a meeting held also in March During this meeting the committee approves the plans and they are placed on the Troop calendar.

Troop Committee

The Troop committee meets monthly and usually on the first Monday of the month from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Changes in the meeting schedule are communicated by Google Group email. All parents of Scouts are encouraged to attend these meetings. At the Committee meetings, you will learn what goes on behind the scenes to support the Troop program. Volunteer opportunities are made available as the committee discusses work to be completed.


The troop is fortunate to offer scouts use of equipment that is not personal in nature. This includes tents, cooking utensils, pots, stoves, dutch ovens, rain canopy, propane, axes, saws, etc. This equipment is paid for and maintained through fundraisers. It is expected that the equipment will be treated as if it is their own so that it may be used until it is retired from service. Equipment will be checked out prior to campouts and checked in after. The Scout’s parents are responsible for the cost of replacing lost or irreparably damaged equipment and the cost of repairs.


Advancement hinges on participation. It is understood that many scouts participate in other activities besides scouting which also consume their time. Scouts who routinely miss meetings or campouts will hinder their advancement progress. Scouts should find a balance between scouting and their other activities to ease advancement and reduce the likelihood of being extremely behind. Due to these complexities it is NOT common for scouts to progress through ranks and achievements at the same rate as their peers. Some scouts will progress faster while others more slowly.

Up through 1st Class, advancement will occur as a result of attending regular troop activities including meetings, campouts, and summer camp. If your Scout has to miss a meeting or campout they should talk to their Patrol Leader or other youth leaders to find out what they have to do to catch up.

The adult leaders will monitor your scout’s progress periodically and may occasionally discuss with them requirements to obtain the next rank. You can check their handboo or Scoutbook, or contact our advancement chair to confirm your Scouts status at any time.

It is up to the scout to have their Troop Guide, Senior Patrol Leader or an Adult leader mark and date the requirement completed in their Scout Handbook as they complete them so that you and your scout know what their status is at any time.

Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, 1st Class rank

Requirements for Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, and 1st Class can be completed at any time and in any order. Scouts of 1st Class or higher will work with each lower ranking scout to complete the requirements and sign off on their book after the requirement is complete.

The requirements for these ranks promote Scout Ideals, Scout Participation, and Scout Craft. Younger Scouts advancing through these ranks often need encouragement to master the skills necessary to achieve their new rank.

Refer to the Boy Scout Handbook for full rank requirements and details.

Star, Life, Eagle Rank

The ranks of Star, Life, and Eagle are tailored as individual pursuits and each have specific minimum time requirements. The rank of Eagle must be completed prior to the scout’s 18th birthday except in the case of a special extension. The Eagle Rrnk requires that the Scout has been a Life Scout for 6 or more months. Please review the scout handbook for additional rank information.

Scouts reaching these ranks have earned specific Merit Badges and have proven themselves through Scout Spirit, Participation, Leadership, and Service.

The Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters record mastery of skills during campouts and Troop Meetings that the Scout attends.

Merit Badges

Merit badge exploration is an individual pursuit. A variety of badges are available. Before work is started an a merit badge the Scout should get approval from the Scoutmaster (SM) (the equivalent of getting a signed “Blue Card”), before the Scout begins work on the badge. To do this, the Scout should go to their Advancements page on Scoutbook and click “Start Another Merit Badge”. The SM will sign approval online. The merit badge counselor will check off requirements on Scoutbook. After the badge is complete, the counselor and SM will sign off on it. The advancement chair will complete the process by purchasing the patch. Note: Safeguard your copies of blue cards and any badges and ranks that were started before Scoutbook tracking began. That is the only official record that you earned them.

There is no guarantee that a counselor will accept prior work as evidence of completion of a requirement. Please work with the counselor to set expectations. There are requirements that will build on journey of prior experience. For example campouts while a scout will count even if the scout didn’t sign up for the merit badge.

The troop maintains a list of counselors in the area, and often within the Troop. The Scout contacts the Counselor for advice on how to begin work on the badge. When the requirements are met, the Counselor and Scout meet. Progress is tracked by the merit badge counselor on Scoutbook, and the Advancement Chair purchases the merit badge. The merit badge is awarded at a Court of Honor (see Court of Honor).

Scoutmaster conference

A Scoutmaster Conference is a discussion between the scout completing the rank and the scoutmaster. Typically they are performed during a normal meeting and only after the scout has completed all the requirements for the desired rank. The purpose of this discussion is for the adult leader and the scout to get to know each other a little better and discuss how the values of Scouting occur in their everyday lives. The conference is not a retesting of scout skills. Some sample questions might be:

  • How are things going at school?
  • What activities are you participating in besides scouting?
  • Have you given consideration to being a leader?
  • Last time we spoke you were having trouble with __. How is that going?

The scoutmaster and scout may talk about one question for several minutes. The entire conference may take 20 minutes to complete. Either on the same day or another meeting the Scoutmaster will present the scout to the Board of Review stating that the scout has successfully completed requirements for the desired rank.

Eagle Scoutmaster Conference

Similar to rank conference this is an in depth review of their time in scouting. The conference may take 45 minutes to and hour.

Board of review

The review board is composed of 3 to 4 committee members / leaders who are not serving as Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster. Parents must volunteer to run the Board of Review or advancements cannot occur.

A periodic review of the progress of a Scout is vital in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Scouting program in the unit. The unit committee can judge how well the Scout being reviewed is benefiting from the program. The unit leader can measure the effectiveness of his or her leadership. The Scout can sense that they, or are not, advancing properly and can be encouraged to make the most of their Scouting experience.

Not only is it important to review those Scouts who have learned and been tested for a rank, but also to review those Scouts who have shown no progress in their advancement over the past few months.

The review is not an examination; the board does not retest the candidate. Rather, the board should attempt to determine the Scout’s attitude and their acceptance of scouting ideals. The board should make sure that good standards have been met in all phases of the Scout’s life. A discussion of the Scout Oath and Scout Law is in keeping with the purpose of the review, to make sure that the candidate recognizes and understands the value of Scouting in their home, unit, school, and community.

The decision of all boards of review is arrived at through discussion and must be unanimous. When the scout satisfactorily completes his/her board of review for a rank or an Eagle Palm, tenure for his/her next rank or Eagle Palm begins immediately.

Merit Badge University

The Council hosts an annual all day Merit Badge Clinic in February. Date and registration information will be shared through Google Group email as soon as it is available. Prompt registration is encouraged as classes usually fill up quickly.

Depending upon the clinic there may be prerequisites necessary in order to complete the badge at the clinic. Refer to the material sent when signing up. Some badges require the scouts be 1st Class or higher and all others are available for any rank.

Court of honor

Quarterly, scouts are awarded their merit badges and ranks that they earned since the last court of honor. The Court of Honor takes place at a regularly scheduled meeting. Parents and siblings are invited and encouraged to participate in this event. The meetings are typically scheduled for the last Monday meeting in September, December, March, and June. The event opens with the color guard and flag ceremony, followed by awards and rank advancement. The ceremony concludes with the color guard followed by snacks and cookies for everyone to enjoy.

Scouts are expected to be in Full Class A uniform for the ceremony. Please bring snacks for others to enjoy ideally enough for the number of people in your family attending.

When a merit badge is awarded the last 1/3 of the blue card is returned (or the equivalent from Scoutbook). This contains the name of the merit badge that it’s for and the signature of the counselor and Scoutmaster who approved it. This blue card should be kept in a safe place. The physical merit badge is not proof enough that a badge was earned. If ever there is a question as to whether a scout earned a merit badge this should be used as proof.

Eagle Court of Honor

Due to the random nature of the Eagle Rank, the Eagle Court of Honor is a separate function that is scheduled by the Troop after one or more Scouts completes the Rank of Eagle. Parents attend this great honor with their Scout. It is expected that the scouts attending the ceremony be in full Class A uniform. This ceremony is considerably more formal than a quarterly Court of Honor.


Campouts occur every month throughout the year, rain or shine. Campouts are intended to serve as scouting with a purpose and are organized around a specific activity to further a scout’s advancement or skills outdoors. Weekend campouts are typically Friday evening through Sunday morning. The signup link will be sent out three weeks from the campout by the Activity Planners. Scouts will have until the Monday night prior to the campout to sign up for the outing. Anyone signing up after this point will not be able to attend the campout.

A minimum of four leaders is necessary to have a campout. Having four leaders ultimately provides’ two deep leadership at camp as well as at a medical center if the need arises.

Outdoor Code As an American, I will do my best to: Be clean in my outdoor manners, Be careful with fire, Be considerate in the outdoors, and Be conservation minded.

Monthly Campouts

These outings are generally “car camping” where we stay in a regular campsite close enough to a parking area that there is no need for a full backpack or specialized gear. Emails containing specific details are sent during the week leading up to each campout so please make sure to read them.


All campouts are a minimum of $30 which covers the cost of vehicle transportation and food. This non-refundable $30 fee must be submitted prior to or the day of the campout. It may be paid from IRA, check (payable to Troop 100) or cash and should be submitted to the camp coordinator.


In order to transport all of the equipment to and from the campout there must be a sufficient amount of leaders/parents able to transport all scouts and their equipment. Failure to have enough leaders/parents may result in the cancellation of the campout.

Of scouts

Scouts must wear their class A uniform shirt in the vehicles on the way to and from the outings. The neckerchief and slide may be left at home as they just get lost. Electronics such as games, iPods, etc are allowed in the cars on the way to and from campouts. These items must remain in the vehicles upon arrival. If electronics leave the car they will be confiscated and given to the parents upon return to Naperville.

Currently leaders bringing four or more people in their vehicle may have their gas reimbursed from the Troop for trips of 100 miles or more. A receipt and expense report must be submitted to the Treasurer for the campout and must be done prior to the following campout.

Of Trailer

The vehicle that is pulling the trailer must keep an exact odometer reading of the miles traveled to and from while pulling the trailer. Due to the excessive weight of the trailer and the potential wear and tear on the vehicle pulling it the troop will reimburse at the IRS Business Mile rate. The current 2020 rate per business mile is $0.575.

Parent Helpers

When camping with us please keep in mind that your scout should turn to the older scouts, not you for help and guidance. This is to reinforce the principals of a scout led troop. In the event of a problem the scout should follow the section Problem Resolution.

Departure (180 miles or less)

All scouts should meet at Wesley United Methodist church at 5:30 pm on Friday so prompt departure by 6:00 pm will occur. Scouts must have their Class A scout shirt both to and from the campout destination. Neckerchiefs and slides should be left at home as they do get lost.

Departure (greater than 180 miles)

All scouts should meet at Wesley United Methodist church at the time specified at the prior regular meeting. Due to the nature of these trips they are typically scheduled on a Friday when the scouts are either out of school on Friday or have a half day so that sufficient time is available to setup camp. Scouts must have their Class A scout shirt both to and from the campout destination. Neckerchiefs and slides should be left at home as they do get lost (unless otherwise specified).


Camp break down, packing up, and departure should occur between 8:30 am and 9:30 on the Sunday of the campout weekend. Adding to departure the estimated time as prepared by Google maps will result in an approximate return time. For example if departure occurs at 9:00 am and the en-route time is 2:15 the approximate return time will be 11:15 am on Sunday. Scouts will call home when they are approximately 30 minutes from the church.

Personal Gear

Each scout is expected to bring with them the gear necessary for the campout. The gear to bring is discussed the Monday prior to the campout. Scouts missing the required equipment may have to sit out during the scheduled activity. Refer to the Scouts BSA Handbook for “Outdoor Essentials” and “Personal Overnight Camping Gear.” Do not pack for your scout, they will learn much more quickly if they do it themselves. Guide, suggest, and advise, but don’t do it for them.

Before purchasing any major gear (sleeping bags, mats, boots) please discuss with Mr. Slee, Mr. Davis, or one of the other Scoutmasters for guidance. Often scouts purchase items that are not needed or are overkill for the specific task.

Scouts at a minimum should bring the following items:

  • Back Pack/Duffel Bag
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Mat or ground cloth
  • Chair (sharing is not permitted)
  • Mess kit (plate, cup, bowl, knife, fork & spoon)
  • Raincoat or Poncho
  • Flashlight & batteries (a LED headlamp is better than a handheld light)
  • Personal Hygiene items (toothbrush and toothpaste, comb, soap and shampoo)
  • Clothing
  • Footwear (appropriate for the season)
  • Nalgene Water bottle (They are clear so leaders can gauge water intake.)
  • Towel (if swimming or long term camp)

The following items are desirable:

  • Pocket knife when Totin’ Chip has been earned (NO fixed or switch blades).
  • Compass
  • Canteen
  • Personal First Aid Kit

The following items are NOT allowed: (see code of conduct for explanations)

  • Sheath knives, axes, hatchets, slingshots.
  • Suggestive literature
  • Fireworks
  • Any type of automatic fire device (lighters, etc.)
  • Martial arts gear
  • Candy or soda pop. (Except Owasippe)


Each patrol is responsible for determining and acquiring food for each meal. The Quartermaster for the campout will be chosen on the Monday prior to the campout and is responsible for acquiring the food. A scout should not be Quartermaster more than twice in one year. Quartermasters are expected to take a cooler and food box home from the meeting immediately prior to the campout. Work with your scout in understanding the budget and still getting all the needed food. Check with the troop quartermaster before you shop. We have a lot of extra food left over from previous outings.

For younger scouts it is preferred to avoid raw meats or items that must be cooked thoroughly. If the scouts would prefer this type of meal it should be cooked at the Quartermaster’s home supervised by an adult and packaged to be reheated at the campout.

For campouts of 180 miles or less scouts should plan for breakfast, lunch, & dinner on Saturday. The Quartermaster should know exactly how many scouts are in his patrol so the appropriate amount of food may be purchased. The Quartermaster should follow the guideline of $3.00/scout/meal to keep expenses low.

For campouts greater than 180 miles scouts should plan for Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, lunch & dinner. Depending upon route time lunch on Sunday may be necessary and will be purchased en-route using spending money brought by each scout in the patrol. The Quartermaster should know exactly how many scouts are in their patrol so the appropriate amount of food may be purchased. The Quartermaster should follow the guideline of $8.00 per scout to keep expenses low.

Quartermasters should turn receipts in to the treasurer at the meeting immediately following the campout.

Leaders attending camp are expected to purchase and prepare food for one meal of their choosing for the other leaders attending the campout. The cost of food is not reimbursable. Basic cooking gear is available as well as grills, dutch ovens, and griddles.


All medication shall be turned into the leader in charge of it during campouts. The leader will see to it that the scout is reminded to take their medication at the appropriate time.

If the scout should be taking medication on the weekend please do not disrupt their cycle because the medicine might be seen as embarrassing. The leaders must interact with your child throughout the trip and if they aren’t acting normally because they didn’t have their medication available it makes the trip that much more difficult for everyone. Every precaution is taken to keep medications confidential.

Any medication sent with scouts must have the following written down on the packaging: scouts name, time of dispensing, name of medicine and dosage. This is necessary in the event that the scout must be taken to the hospital the leader in charge can tell the doctor exactly what the scout has taken prior to the incident.

Campout Sign Up

Scout sign up for camp outs is 11 days before the camp out. This timeline for camp out sign up is due to transportation, food/menu planning, B.S.A. Tour Permit verification, and the Troop’s loss of money due to cancelling camp outs.


We do camp rain or shine regardless of what the weather is when we leave or arrive. We also follow all rules and guidelines of the Weather Hazards and Trek Safely programs from the BSA to ensure our troop’s safety during these outings.

In the event of hazardous weather the Scoutmaster will notify the Senior Patrol Leader that the campout is cancelled. The Senior Patrol Leader will notify all Patrol Leader who in turn will notify all patrol leaders who will notify all patrol members.

Summer Camp

Scouts who attend summer camp are more likely to succeed in scouting. It is at the first summer camp where the most likely earn their first merit badge. They also form a considerably tighter bond with their friends as they work together to solve challenging skills. Troop 100 encourages all scouts to attend summer camp.

Owasippe Scout Reservation

Troop 100 has enjoyed Camp Blackhawk at Owasippe Scout Reservation in Whitehall, Michigan. Owasippe is the oldest Scout Camp in the U.S. and has been in continuous operation since 1911. The camp consists of over 5,000 acres of hills, forest and lakes, and is surrounded by the Manistee National Forest, which provides several thousand additional acres for hiking and other Scout activities. Owasippe is operated by the Pathway to Adventure Council, BSA; however, Scouts from all over the U.S., as well as many foreign countries visit the Camp over the course of the year.

Each year Troop 100 reserves site 12 during the third session of camp which is centrally located in camp easing access to the various program areas. This reservation is made for the 3rd session of camp each summer which is most always the first Sunday following the 4th of July. Meals for Owasippee are provided and cooked by staff members and consumed in the dining hall.

Owasippe Scout Camp is divided into five separate camps giving Scouts and leaders a chance to match their skills to an area that meets their needs. Camp Blackhawk is located on Blue Lake and offers Sailing and Lake Activities. Camp Wolverine is a more rugged site and hosts the High Adventure Fishing Outpost. Camp Carlen is located on Lake Wolverine. Boating and Canoeing are done at Camp Carlen and Camp Blackhawk. Crown High Adventure Base provides five-day backpacking and canoeing trips for the older Scouts and leaders. Lone Troop Camp is designed for Troops that come with their own equipment and food. It is on Big Blue Lake and allows units to plan their summer camp experience around their own needs.

USS Silversides

Every other year an overnight on the USS Silversides is arranged. On the Wednesday of summer camp scouts that haven’t had the opportunity to experience the USS Silverside and sleep on a submarine are eligible and encouraged to attend. The USS Silversides is a submarine located nearby in Muskegon where scouts can explore and sleep overnight.

Troop Dinner (February)

Each February a dinner is held for all members of the troop. This dinner is to recognize those individuals that support our troop and celebrate scouting. Scouts, parents and siblings are invited and strongly encouraged to attend. There are games for the kids and often enlightening discussions with parents. Each family is requested to bring a dish to share. There may be a small fee for dinner for individuals that are not Troop 100 Boy Scouts.

Friends of Scouting pledge cards are given out at this gathering. It is expected that each family sign the pledge card and give a donation if desired.


Troop 100 will during the course of each year conduct fund-raising events to finance our program. The money raised allows us to purchase and repair camping equipment, purchase awards, subsidize monthly campouts, pay for printing and postage of mailings, pay fees for leaders at summer camp, and fund leader training. Scouts who participate in a fundraising event will receive a percentage of the profit from that event. These funds are held by the Troop in an Individual Reward Account (IRA).

The Pancake Breakfast and popcorn/wreath sales are the two required fundraisers each year and participation in these events should be considered a part of the membership. Each and every Scout is expected to meet minimum goals. Parents are responsible for any gap between their Scout’s sales and the minimum requirements, and will be expected to cover the difference. The percent of sale allocations to IRAs and the troop will be on a sliding scale. The earliest sales for each scout will go 100% to the troop. After a threshold is met, 100% will go to the scout’s IRA. There may be other fundraising events solely for the purpose of the Scouts earning towards their IRAs.

Pancake Breakfast

The major fundraiser for Troop 100 at this time is the annual pancake breakfast, which is held at the Church and on a Saturday in February. Scouts can participate by being on the committee to organize the fundraiser, sell tickets to it, sell advertising space on the placemat, or gather items for the raffle.

Holiday Wreaths

Our wreaths are considered one of the best. We use a company in northern Wisconsin that continues each year to win awards and accolades in their industry for their quality and variety. Once a scout has sold to an individual the following year’s sales will be easier as this scout can visit the same house again for potentially another sale.


To support the council the troop participates in this fundraiser. This is one of the only ways the council receives money to support the scout shops, general staff, summer camps and other essential scouting activities.

Camp Cards

Camp cards are a great way for a scout to earn his way to camp. Typically offered by the council in January of each year they sell for $5.00 each. The scout keeps half which goes in their IRA. The remaining half goes directly to council.

The cards contain over $15.00 in coupons and savings at various local businesses.

Individual Reward Account (IRA)

The Individual Reward Account (IRA) is set up by the troop Treasurer for each Scout after they participate in their first fund-raiser. These funds may be rolled over from year to year. The Scout may use their IRA for the cost of any Scouting related materials or events (i.e. camping fees, high adventure fees, summer camp fees, equipment, etc.). The Scout must provide a receipt that explicitly shows the scouting related activity or equipment expenses to be reimbursed from the IRA by the Treasurer.

Should a Scout transfer his membership to another Troop, or drop out of Scouting, his IRA balance will revert to the Troop General Fund.